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Abbildung: High Performance ABC Filter -
In Verbindung mit geeigneter Vollmaske (z.B. Dräger X-plore 6300 oder MSA 3S) zu verwenden. Bietet Schutz gegen feste und flüssige Partikel, zivile und militärische Kampf- und Giftgase und -Dämpfe (C-Waffen), B-Waffen, Pfefferspray (OC), Rauchproduzierende Waffen/Substanzen, radioaktive Partikel, Bakterien, Rickettsien, Pilze, Viren, Reizgas, Tränengas (Riot Control Agents, wie Lachrymatoren, Sternutators, Brechmittel), Hautkampfstoffe, Blutkampfstoffe, handlungsunfähig machende Substanzen, Lungenkampfstoffe, Pestizide, Bromaceton, CS, CR, CN, CNC, CNS, CA Substanzen, CLARK I (DA), CLARK II (DC), Adamsite (DM), Ethyldichlorarsin (ED), Methyldichlorarsin (MD), Senfgas, Schwefellost, T-Senfgas, Q-Senfgas, HN1, HN2, HN3, Lewisite, Phosgen Oxim (CX), Phosgen (CG), Diphosgen (DP); Chlorpikrin/Grünkreuz (PS), Wasserstoffcyanid (AC), Chlorcyan (CK), Arsen (SA), Sarin, Cyclosarin, Soman, Tabun, Nervengifte (VX, VR, VE, VG, VM) sowie giftige Industriechemikalien, organische Gase und Dämpfe mit Siedepunkt über 65°C; anorganische Gase, wie Chlor, Quecksilber-Dämpfe usw. Gemäß EN 14387:2004+A1:2008. Schraubgewindeanschluß nach EN 148-1, sowie NATO-Norm STANAG 4155 und russischer GOST-Norm. Leichter metallfreier Sonderfilter für Bevölkerungsschutz, Zivilschutz, Hilfsorganisationen. Filter mit sehr breitem Wirkungsspektrum bei A-, B- oder C-Gefahrenlagen.
The filter NBC-3/SL provides reliable protection from Biological and Chemical agents. The filter is made from special plastic, which makes it light but extremly durable. The plastic material is shock resistant to protect the filter from impact damage, and to protect the construction of the integral parts. The filters can be safely disposed of in chemical waste incinerators. The filters are filled with impregnated carbon to achieve the precise characteristics in combating specific toxic gases. Carbon is used in the microporous structure that consists of filters with minute tubes, creating an enormous adsorbant surface area. The special filling provides high user reliability and absorption effect which leads to high filtration of the wide spectrum of dangerous agents. The filter is fitted with the SL type particle cartrige, which gives a wide filtration surface area against a large quantity of particles and offers high efficiency against both liguid and solid particles, dust and toxic air filled particles. The filter, together with a suitable full face mask, provides reliable protection against solid and liquid particles, pepper spray (OC), smokeproducing
substances, radioactive particles, bacteria and rickettsia, fungi, toxins, viruses, Riot Control agents (Lachrymators, Sternutators, Vomiting agents), Blister agents (Vesicants), Chocking agents, Blood agents, Nerve agents,
Incapacitants, Herbicides, Pesticides and TIC, such as bromoacetone, CS, CR, CN, CNC, CNS, CA substances, organic compounds of arsenic - diphenyldichlorarsine
- CLARK I (DA), diphenylcyanoarsine - CLARK II (DC), adamsite (DM), diphenyldichlorarsine (DA), ethyldichlorarsine (ED), methyldichlorarsine
(MD), mustard gas (H), sulphur mustard gas (HD), T-mustard gas, Q-mustard
gas, nitrogen mustard gases (HN1, HN2, HN3), lewisite (L), mixed mustard gas
(H-L), phosgene oxime (CX), phosgene (CG), diphosgene(DP), chloropicrin (PS),
hydrogen cyanide (AC), cyanogen chloride (CK), arsine (SA), G-agents: sarin
(GB), cyclosarin (GF), soman (GD), tabun (GA), IVA (GV), V-agents: VX, VR, VE,
VG (amiton), VM and toxic industrial chemicals such as: fumes of organic or
inorganic acids, hydroxides, organic solvents with the boiling point above 65 °C,
ammonia, amines, inorganic and acid gases, agricultural chemical combustion
gases, other toxic substances, e.g. benzene, toluene, vinyl chloride, fluorine,
hydrogen fluoride, sulphur oxides, chloracetic acid, aldehydes, mixtures of
inorganic acids, and organic substances, mercury vapours, etc. Special certification SX: phosgene and chlorpicrin. Made in the European Union.
20 years shelf life from date of manufacture. Our filters have come straight from the factory.
Filter use: Emergency and fire departments, army, civil defence, chemical and petrochemical industry, agriculture, police, ...
Connection according EN 148-1, STANAG 4155, GOST, Certification according EN 14387:2004+A1:2008.